Tuesday 16 February 2016

Morning anxiety

Another morning of feeling anxiety, Yesterday after all of the stress and worries about V I started to feel better after a short chat with her and alot of chatting with MJ and AC.

I start to feel like I have been a good friend and helped someone in trouble, someone that needed it but its not my job and I dont need to. I started to feel better about the whole situation, I got home and did some editing and I got the sample images out for Diana (Shoot i did on sat).

I put on the PS4 for a sesson and just was not feeling it so I turned it off and started reading a book but ended up only ready a chapter and wated a doc on meth... and the dangers of it, about how it is made and what it does to the brain, also what it does to your choses and sex drive... and of course that turned my head onto someone :(

This morning to I had alot of trouble, I felt like i did something wrong and i have pushed V into doing things, something she said about MJ,  i think the words were "You and her seem to be having fun but be carful" I am not sure what she thinks is happening between us. We are being suport for each other as we are both going through some really stressfull and hurtful times but i think she thinks we are going to have some kinda relationship but there is no danger of that between us, to smart and open for such a thing.

I just looked at my phone and found a message from her and she said, "your a beautiful person xx"
What could this mean (my brain thinking)...

I have such a 50/50 spilt... part of me wants nothing more than her back but there is another side thart tells me that we are not good for each other... I think that I feel like the love is one sided and she doesnt want to let go and fall for me like i did for her.

Another day and another anxiety session

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